Sarah Palin actually praised President Obama on Thursday. She apparently liked his Nobel Prize acceptance speech in Oslo.
But she also said she'd like to see Obama act more like George W. Bush. Yes, she wants our President to act like a complete buffoon, not to say moron.
"I liked what he said," Palin told USAToday in an interview after the speech.
Then Palin seemed to imply that Obama had cribbed her book: "I thumbed through my book quickly this morning to say 'Wow! That really sounded familiar.' because I talked in book too about the fallen nature of man and why war is necessary at times."
Incredible. How intellectually destitute would a man have to be to steal words from the likes of Sarah Palin? She's barely more coherent than Bush.
Speaking of which, she suggested Obama could learn a few things from former President Bush.
Like how to be a moron, apparently.
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