We are a month out from the end of President Obama's first 100 days. Clearly, the American people are for the most part satisfied with his progress as a recent
CNN poll demonstrates.
Obviously, any single poll cannot be used to demonstrate anything, but CNN is hardly alone. Gallup, a more substantial, and highly respected poll, shows the following:

Things still look good in March. Using the same period as the CNN poll above,
Gallup shows the following:

In a comparison with Bush and Clinton we can get a better picture of how Obama is faring:

The following comes as no surprise:
As is the case for most presidents, there are sharp partisan differences in Obama's job approval rating. Among Republicans, Obama's average approval for the past week (March 9-15) is 26%, among independents it is 59%, and among his fellow Democrats, 91%.
Even the
Rasmussen poll, the only poll cited by conservative sources, shows Obama at over 50%:
Overall, 56% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance so far. The President’s overall ratings have been within a point of the 56% level every day but one over the past three weeks. Forty-three percent (43%) now disapprove.
Rasmussen essentially finds the same as Gallup where by-party approval comes in: 90% of Democrats approve and 24% of Republicans.
What seems clear to this observer is that Obama has a mandate from the American people and that he is fulfilling their expectations under the most terrible of circumstances: two wars and an economy in shambles, not to mention the social issues that divide the Nation. And he is carrying on despite an obstructionist, reactionary Republican Party forming a not-so-loyal opposition.
My own grade for Obama remains a "B". The only thing that really mars his performance so far is his catering to the intolerant and bigoted "Religious Right". Fortunately, he has balanced this flaw with support of science over superstition. I do believe he is trying to cater to everybody and I do also believe that his attempts to find support on the Right are doomed to failure. The poll numbers from every source demonstrate the accuracy of this statement. The Right, which, as most of you remember, lost the elections in 2008, will accept nothing but unconditional surrender. That this is a flawed and delusional understand of the facts as they exist, scarce needs mentioning.
I suspect that come Day 100, we will find Obama still at around 60% approval and that the percentages in each party who favor him will remain unchanged unless more moderate Republicans, offended by the intransigence and do-nothingness of their compatriots, shift.
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